When you jump into a river it is best to check the depth and
plan how you will jump in and where to jump in. Being well planned and deliberate were keys to
jumping into this term well. During the first five days I kept a record of
every technique or tool that I used. We have used class yes, scoreboard,
mirror, teach ok, switch, blow and release, hands and eyes, power pixs, red
green writing, yes no smart cards, the rules, practice cards, threepeat, purple
reward cards, UHM(3 star homework), Superspeed rhyming, 100 and grammar, Super
Improvers Wall and classroom leaders. I made a discovery I really am a Whole Brain
Teacher. I am no longer dabbling on the edge, I really have jumped in.
The 18th of July was our 100th day of
year one. To celebrate we made a post it note collection of the 100 things we
like about year one. To my delight Whole Brain Teaching techniques and tools
featured highly on the list. I am currently gathering permission slips for our
first video as we continue to jump deeper into that river of Whole brain
Teaching. In conclusion the decision to jump on in, has been a good one. If you
are reading this and you are not sure what some of these things mentioned are,
why not check out wholebrainteaching.com and see if you would like to jump in.